Applied Fluid Mechanics (7th Edition) – eBook PDF
The leading applications-oriented approach to engineering fluid mechanics is now in full color, with new problems, integrated software, and extensive new coverage.
Now in full color with an engaging new design, Applied Fluid Mechanics 7th Edition (PDF), is the fully updated edition of the most popular applications-oriented approach to engineering fluid mechanics. It offers a practical and clear presentation of all basic principles of fluid mechanics (both dynamics and statics), tying theory directly to real systems and devices used in chemical, mechanical, civil, and environmental engineering. The Seventh edition offers new real-world examples and problems and integrates the use of an online downloadable demo of world-renowned PIPE-FLO® software for piping system analysis and design. It presents new procedures for design and problem-solving; more realistic and higher quality photos and illustrations; and more coverage of many topics, including plastic pipe, hose, pumps, tubing, viscosity measurement devices, and computational fluid mechanics. Full-color images and color highlighting make graphs, charts, and tables easier to interpret and organize narrative material into more manageable “chunks,” and make all of this textbook’s content easier to study for all engineering students.
Teaching and Learning Experience
This applications-oriented introduction to fluid mechanics has been improved and redesigned to be more interactive, engaging, and pedagogically effective.
- Updated and refined to reflect the latest tools, products and techniques: Contains updated data and analysis techniques, improved problem solving and design techniques, new content on many topics, and extensive new references.
- Completely redesigned in full color, with additional pedagogical features, all designed to engage today’s college students: This 7th edition contains many new full-color images, upgraded to improve realism, graphic quality, consistency, and relevance. New pedagogical features have been added to help engineering students explore ideas more widely and review material more efficiently.
- Provides more hands-on practice and real-world applications, including new problems: Includes new real-world example problems and supplementary problems. Now college students can access an online downloadable demo of the popular PIPE-FLO® software to complete select activities.
Additional ISBNs: 978-0132558907, 9781292019611, 1292019611, 978-0133414622, 978-0132558921, 9780132558907, 978-1292019611, 978-0133414622, 978-0133494839
Note: This is the PDF eBook of the printed book Applied Fluid Mechanics 7e by Robert L. Mott & Joseph A. Untener. It may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
Kevin Thompson (verified owner) –
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